EJR-Quartz supplied the editorial services for the International Astronautical Federations’s (IAF) to develop their new web portal launched in 2006.
The IAF is a non-profit making organisation created to provide a focal point among organisations and industries worldwide dealing with space. EJR-Quartz supported the IAF in creating a new portal that provides a truly global and impartial view of space, presenting the activities of the IAF and strengthening its role as a focal point.
Launched in June 2006, the portal is intended primarily as a one-stop shop for networking in the space arena, both for those already in the business and for students considering careers in space.
In January 2006 EJR-Quartz won the contract for editorial support for the IAF portal, in open competition. This work included repurposing existing content, creating new content and populating the new content management system, prior to launch. Post-launch EJR-Quartz was responsible for proactive editorial maintenance of the site until 2008 when a staff editor was appointed.
As part of its continuing support of the IAF website, EJR-Quartz was responsible for a minisite dedicated to the 57th International Astronautical Congress held in Valencia, Spain in October 2006. EJR-Quartz covered many activities from Plenary Sessions to Highlight Lectures and Late Breaking News sessions during the five day Congress. Web articles, with a vary rapid turnaround, were produced for every public event. EJR-Quartz was also responsible for illustrating the various activities with images, producing daily reports in both text and audio format and also adding video content to the site.
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International Institute of Space Law
EJR-Quartz provided the turn-key development of a website for the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) and its subsequent maintenance. The IISL was founded by the International Astronautical Federation and deals with all aspects of the rapidly expanding field of space law, such as national and international law governing activites in outer space.
EJR-Quartz designed the site, its layout and information architecture, provided the content management system and other software, and implemented it.
The existing content was repurposed, new content written and the site was populated. EJR-Quartz provided proactive editorial maintence.
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EJR-Quartz assisted in the design and development of a website for UNESCO’s Underwater Cultural Heritage section.
The site is intended to raise public awareness of our underwater cultural heritage and the urgent need to protect and preserve it. Its purpose is to inform the public and young people of the role of UNESCO’s Underwater Cultural Heritage and the importance of the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage.
The project was carried out in collaboration with art director Sabrina Schmidt of Nuvolario.com.
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EETFI, or European Environmental Test Facility Inventory (EETFI) for ESA test centre, was a searchable web-based database of European space environmental test facilities, built and maintained for ESA by EJR-Quartz. Its use wasfree and it was visible to the general public. As well as presenting the facilities of the ESTEC Test Centre, EETFI facilitated contacts between test facility providers and potential users and increased their client base.
The ESTEC Test Centre is one of the four major test centres in Europe for the verification of spacecraft at system level, the others being Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft (IABG), INTESPACE (ITS), and the Alcatel Test Centre in Cannes. In general there is good visibility for these large test centres, and also for the Centre Spatial de Liège (CSL) centre of excellence for optics testing.
However, visibility for smaller facility providers is less evident. In fact there have been requests from space hardware developers, and Agency Member States delegates to facilitate the interaction between facility providers and potential users addressing both large system test centres and also smaller facilities for subsystem tests.
In response to the above, the European Environmental Test Facility Inventory (EETFI) was established, to assist space hardware developers in identifying suitable European test facilities. It was intended that EETFI will include all companies and organisations from all ESA Member States active in space environmental testing, listing their respective facilities and main technical features.
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Cosine website Content Management System.
EJR-Quartz has provided a Content Management System (CMS) for the Cosine website.
Cosine performs contract research with a high scientific and technological profile, mainly for the European Space Agency.