The latest edition of DLR Magazine, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) flagship publication, is now out. EJR-Quartz is responsible for the English edition of the print publication.
The first DLR Magazine of the year features a diverse selection of articles. ‘Into the flame’ takes a closer look at the topic of energy – in particular, what happens when fuels burn. DLR Magazine 144/145 highlights the extremely sensitive analyses carried out by combustion researchers at DLR using a molecular beam mass spectrometer.
‘Fit for space?’ illustrates the complex process of putting scientific research in space using four examples. Who decides what research will be conducted on the International Space Station (ISS)? What journey do experiments go on before they make it to space?
‘An icy affair’ delves into the problematic issue of aircraft icing and its prevention in future. At high altitudes, supercooled water droplets accumulate on aircraft wings, coating them with ice. DLR researchers are studying this very unusual aircraft icing phenomenon in the heat of Brazil as they look for anti-icing solutions.
You can also read about the latest DLR news, get a glimpse of the human footprint on Earth, as well as learn about how the asteroid lander MASCOT came to be and the search for extrasolar planets with the Next-Generation Transit Survey in Chile.
Read the DLR Magazine online or download it as a PDF file. Receive printed copies of the magazine on your doorstep, free of charge, by completing the subscription form.