Preparations underway for the Sentinel-5P launch event at ESTEC, Noordwijk.
Another day, another Sentinel launch: the latest to join the EU’s Copernicus programme for Earth Observation is Sentinel-5P, launching on 13 October from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia. ESA’s technical centre in the Netherlands is hosting a live launch event and of course, we’ll be there!
Sentinel-5P (‘P’ for ‘Precursor’) is the first Sentinel satellite dedicated to monitoring the atmosphere for Europe’s Copernicus programme. It features the unique Tropomi instrument that maps trace gases and will provide a wealth of information on air quality . Read more about the satellite here.
As part of the communications team, EJR-Quartz is covering the event via the main ESA portal and social media. The event line-up features mission experts discussing the satellite’s technical specs and overall mission objective as well as live feeds from the launchpad in Russia as well as ESA mission control in Darmstadt.
Join us via social media. We’re tweeting from @esa, @ESA_EO and @esaoperations; Follow along also on Instagram @esa_earth and Facebook.
Tune in to the live stream from 08:30 GMT (10:30 CEST) here.